Level F (BOOK F)
Complete the Sentence:
1. meritorious
2. expostulate
3. simulating
4. elicit
5. prerogative
6. coalition
7. assuage
8. jaded
9. petulant
10. approbation
11. hiatus
12. umbrage
13. lurid
14. transcendence
15. intercede
16. hackneyed
17. provincial
18. innuendo
19. decadence
20. unctuous
1. hiatus
2. innuendo
3. jaded
4. petulant
5. prerogative
6. umbrage
7. unctuous
8. simulate
9. assuage
10. approbation
11. lurid
12. expostulate
13. transcendent
14. coalition
15. intercede
16. decadence
17. provincial
18. illicit
19. meritorious
20. hackneyed
Choose the Right Word:
1. transcended
2. meritorious
3. coalition
4. simulated
5. unctuous
6. expostulating
7. jaded
8. prerogative
9. provincial
10. umbrage
11. elicit
12. hiatus
13. hackneyed
14. petulant
15. lurid
16. innuendo
17. intercede
18. approbation
19. decadence
20. assuage
Vocab in Context:
1. b
2. b
3. c
4. d
5. a
6. d
Unit 2 Answers
Complete the Sentence:
1. drivel
2. ex officio
3. epitome
4. inveighed
5. precipitate
6. occult
7. lassitude
8. surmise
9. infringe
10. aplomb
11. stringent
12. permeated
13. callow
14. bombastic
15. millennia
16. ameliorate
17. ingratiate
18. intrinsic
19. interloper
20. exhort
1. interloper
2. permeated
3. bombastic
4. epitome
5. ingratiate
6. inveigh
7. aplomb
8. drivel
9. stringent
10. surmise
11. infringe
12. exhort
13. callow
14. ex officio
15. occult
16. intrinsic
17. lassitude
18. precipitate
19. millennium
20. ameliorate
Choose the Right Word:
1. ameliorate
2. precipitate
3. epitome
4. enhortation
5. drivel
6. permeated
7. aplomb
8. bombastic
9. surmise
10. millennium
11. inveigh
12. intristic
13. lassitude
14. stringent
15. infringes
16. callow
17. occult
18. interloper
19. ingratiating
20. ex officio
Vocab in Context:
1. b
2. c
3. a
4. a
5. b
6. d
Unit 3 Answers
Complete the Sentence:
1. expiated
2. proclivity
3. seditious
4. enjoin
5. fermenting
6. abominate
7. acculturation
8. ascribe
9. nominal
10. circuitous
11. tenuous
12. expedite
13. commiserate
14. sangfroid
15. adventitious
16. peculated
17. vitriolic
18. wheedle
19. noncommittal
20. inadvertent
1. enjoin
2. expedite
3. ascribed
4. peculate
5. wheedled
6. vitriolic
7. acculturation
8. expiate
9. nominal
10. commiserate
11. ferment
12. tenuous
13. sangfroid
14. proclivity
15. adventitious
16. abominate
17. inadvertent
18. noncommittal
19. seditious
20. circuitous
Choose the Right Word:
1. circuitous
2. sedition
3. commiseration
4. wheedle
5. inadvertent
6. nominal
7. peculation
8. adventitious
9. abominated
10. ascribing
11. vitriolic
12. proclivity
13. sangfroid
14. expiate
15. tenuous
16. ferment
17. enjoined
18. noncommittal
19. acculturation
20. expedite
Vocab in Context
1. d
2. a
3. b
4. a
5. c
6. d
Unit 4 Answers
Completing the Sentence
1. amorphous
2. resilient
3. contraband
4. scurrilous
5. irrevocable
6. reverberated
7. aura
8. aggrandize
9. repudiate
10. erudite
11. gossamer
12. remonstrate
13. querulous
14. affable
15. inscrutable
16. infer
17. insular
18. propensity
19. sleazy
20. sedulous
1. remonstrate
2. aura
3. irrevocable
4. reverberate
5. inscrutable
6. amorous
7. repudiate
8. affable
9. infer
10. erudite
11. sleazy
12. sedulous
13. resilient
14. contraband
15. querulous
16. insular
17. scurrilous
18. propensity
19. gossamer
20. aggrandize
Choosing the Right Word
1. amorphous
2. reverberate
3. querulous
4. remonstrate
5. scurrilous
6. affable
7. sleazy
8. gossamer
9. inscrutable
10. propensity
11. aggrandizement
12. infer
13. erudite
14. sedulous
15. aura
16. resilient
17. irrevocable
18. contraband
19. repudiate
20. insular
Vocab in Context
1. c
2. b
3. a
4. b
5. d
6. a
Unit 5 Answers
Completing the Sentence
1. precept
2. autonomy
3. extricate
4. sepulchral
5. axiomatic
6. equitable
7. amnesty
8. scourge
9. straitlaced
10. caveats
11. unwieldy
12. vapid
13. filch
14. scathing
15. fractious
16. transient
17. salutary
18. flouts
19. blazoned
20. soporific
1. precepts
2. sepulchral
3. flout
4. caveat
5. unwieldy
6. amnesty
7. equitable
8. extricate
9. filch
10. fractious
11. transient
12. scourge
13. vapid
14. scathing
15. axiomatic
16. salutary
17. autonomy
18. straitlaced
19. soporific
20. blazon
Choosing the Right Word
1. 2
2. 2
3. 1
4. 2
5. 1
6. 1
7. 1
8. 2
9. 1
10. 1
11. 2
12. 1
13. 1
14. 1
15. 1
16. 2
17. 2
18. 2
19. 1
20. 1
Vocab in Context
1. c
2. d
3. a
4. d
5. a
6. b
Unit 6 Answers
Completing the Sentence
1. surreptitious
2. heinous
3. insurgents
4. vicarious
5. fetters
6. contrive
7. ennui
8. bizarre
9. cajoled
10. disabuse
11. immutable
12. magalomania
13. sinecure
14. transmute
15. demagogue
16. castigated
17. anomalous
18. transgressed
19. brusque
20. aspersions
1. heinous
2. aspersion
3. fetter
4. demagogue
5. disabuse
6. castigate
7. insurgent
8. contrive
9. anomalous
10. cajole
11. bizarre
12. immutable
13. sinecures
14. transmute
15. surreptitious
16. brusque
17. ennui
18. magalomaniac
19. transgress
20. vicarious
Choosing the Right Word
1. 2
2. 2
3. 2
4. 1
5. 1
6. 2
7. 2
8. 1
9. 1
10. 1
11. 2
12. 1
13. 2
14. 1
15. 1
16. 1
17. 1
18. 1
19. 2
20. 2
Vocab in Context
1. d
2. c
3. c
4. a
5. b
6. a
Unit 7 Answers
Completing the Sentence
1. redoubtable
2. prate
3. cadaverous
4. punctilious
5. austere
6. inconsequential
7. infraction
8. grandiose
9. beneficent
10. restitution
11. mitigated
12. desecrated
13. concoct
14. crass
15. vulnerable
16. stalwart
17. pillage
18. debased
19. reprove
20. disconcerted
1. disconcert
2. crass
3. prate
4. restitution
5. mitigate
6. concoct
7. inconsequential
8. infraction
9. vulnerable
10. pillage
11. debase
12. stalwart
13. austere
14. reproved
15. beneficent
16. cadaverous
17. grandiose
18. desecrate
19. redoubtable
20. punctilious
Choosing the Right Word
1. 1
2. 1
3. 1
4. 1
5. 1
6. 1
7. 2
8. 2
9. 1
10. 1
11. 1
12. 1
13. 1
14. 2
15. 1
16. 2
17. 1
18. 1
19. 2
20. 2
Vocab in Context
1. c
2. a
3. b
4. c
5. a
6. d