Monday, October 31, 2016

Level F Unit 2

Unit 2 Answers

Complete the Sentence:
1. drivel
2. ex officio
3. epitome
4. inveighed
5. precipitate
6. occult
7. lassitude
8. surmise
9. infringe
10. aplomb
11. stringent
12. permeated
13. callow
14. bombastic
15. millennia
16. ameliorate
17. ingratiate
18. intrinsic
19. interloper
20. exhort

1. interloper
2. permeated
3. bombastic
4. epitome
5. ingratiate
6. inveigh
7. aplomb
8. drivel
9. stringent
10. surmise
11. infringe
12. exhort
13. callow
14. ex officio
15. occult
16. intrinsic
17. lassitude
18. precipitate
19. millennium
20. ameliorate

Choose the Right Word:
1. ameliorate
2. precipitate
3. epitome
4. enhortation
5. drivel
6. permeated
7. aplomb
8. bombastic
9. surmise
10. millennium
11. inveigh
12. intristic
13. lassitude
14. stringent
15. infringes
16. callow
17. occult
18. interloper
19. ingratiating
20. ex officio

Vocab in Context:
1. b
2. c
3. a
4. a
5. b

6. d


  1. jns dfg aehjusefbqsweghaweougbasiodfghqweiufgirsu gher

  2. Damn this is thorough trash

  3. this was wrong but i got some answers out of it

  4. this is all wrong jesus

  5. Lmao this is wrong

  6. Yall cheating on yall vocab lmao i dont blame yall
