Monday, October 31, 2016

Level G Unit 9

Unit 9
Completing the Sentence
1. vacillated
2. unremitting
3. dilettante
4. bucolic
5. paltry
6. redolent
7. calumniated
8. collusion
9. mandate
10. refulgent
11. vituperative
12. increments
13. imperturbable
14. tyro
15. acclamation
16. shibboleth
17. peregrinations
18. chary
19. paroxysm
20. pedantry

1. redolent
2. collusion
3. unremitting
4. acclamation
5. pedantry
6. paroxysm
7. peregrinations
8. vacillated
9. shibboleths
10. calumniated
11. dilettante
12. mandate
13. vituperative
14. chary
15. bucolic
16. imperturbable
17. paltry
18. increment
19. refulgent
20. tyro

Choosing the Right Word
1. 1
2. 2
3. 1
4. 1
5. 2
6. 1
7. 1
8. 1
9. 1
10. 1
11. 1
12. 1
13. 1
14. 1
15. 2
16. 1
17. 1
18. 2
19. 2
20. 1
Vocab in Context
1. a
2. b
3. c
4. c
5. a


  1. Vocab in context is wrong. There are six questions.
    1(d) 2(a) 3(b) 4(c) 5(c) 6(a)

  2. These answers are not even right

  3. monkey see monkey do - go buy some shoes or commit crime

  4. synonym & antonyms are wrong
