Monday, October 31, 2016

Level C Unit 10

Unit 10 Answers
Completing The Sentence
1 personable
2 curt
3 upbraids
4 scoffed
5 ferret
6 whimsical
7 engrossed
8 transition
9 habituated
10 dexterous
11 entails
12 barter
13 devise
14 vex
15 impending
16 trepidation
17 rue
18 veritable
19 vitality
20 accorded
1 trepidation
2 transition
3 personable
4 rued
5 whimsical
6 impending
7 vitality
8 entails
9 ferreted
10 vexed
11 scoffed
12 bartered
13 habituated
14 veritable
15 devise
16 dexterous
17 engrossed
18 upbraid
19 accord
20 curt
Choosing The Right Word
1 upbraided
2 devise
3 vitality
4 scoff
5 ferret
6 trepidation
7 barter
8 vex
9 veritable
10 impending
11 habituate
12 curt
13 rued
14 personable
15 engrossed
16 accord
17 dexterous
18 entails
19 transition
20 whimsical
Vocabulary In Context
1 invented
2 laugh
3 absorb
4 conversion
5 imminent

6 distresses


  1. the order is randomized for everyone differently...

    1. for the vocabulary in context non of these answers match for any of these questions lmao

    2. literally their wrong plus there is only 10 synonyms and 5 antonyms so why are there 20 answers ??? like make it make sense

    3. there are two diff types and this is the new book

  2. this should be labeled then because they are bad at putting things in order

  3. completly wrong how am i going to cheat?

  4. ummmmm this is correct

    1. Are you even using the right book lmao? Bro it's completely off

  5. I love you hawks homework

  6. entirely wrong, as this is the unenriched version smh.

  7. This is entirely incorrect. Dont say its right for you. The books are the same. There is no difference. This is entirely incorrect.

  8. TBH you really dont even have to cheat for VIC just sayin

  9. IF you use the original packet your teacher gave you, then this should be correct. For me and others, this is in the original order.

  10. They good for me

  11. hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehhehehehehehehehheheehehe

  12. im getting held back so I honestly don't care if it's wrong or not. im just scared of the teacher

  13. Unit 10 answers – Level C

    Choosing the right word

    1. accord

    2. veritable

    3. impending

    4. entails

    5. vitality

    6. devise

    7. engrossed

    8. upbraided

    9. scoff

    10. transition

    11. ferret

    12. trepidation

    13. impending

    14. rued

    15. engrossed

    16. devised

    17. barter

    18. whimsical

    19. transition

    20 curt

    21. personable

    22. dexterous

    23. vex

    24. habituate

    25. upbraided


    1. habituated

    2. transition

    3. personable

    4. rue

    5. whimsical

    6. impending

    7. vitality

    8. entails

    9. ferreted

    10. scoffed


    1. whimsical

    2. habituated

    3. scoff (at)

    4. personable

    5. curt

    Completing the Sentence

    1. whimsical

    2. engrossed

    3. dexterous

    4. habituated

    5. rue

    6. veritable

    7. transition

    8. vex

    9. entails

    10. vitality

    11. upbraids

    12. curt

    13. personable

    14. accorded

    15. scoffed

    16. barter

    17. devise

    18. impending

    19. ferret

    20. trepidation

    Vocab in Context

    1. a

    2. c

    3. b

    4. d

    5. a
